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#火冒三丈英语,如何用英文表达“发火”| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,如何用英文表达“发火” 2,火冒三丈造句 3,用火冒三丈造句 1,如何用英文表达“发火”

想让别人知道你已“火冒三丈”、“怒火中烧”,要用上几句地道口语,才算给力!不过, 遇到烦心事,千万别像爆竹一样一点就着。愤怒经常会导致错误。(Mistakes are often made in the heat of anger.)光顾着生气,反倒会给事情添乱。今天一起来看看“愤怒”的几种地道表达吧!生活中什么让你非常火大?英文“发火”关键词:1. I got so mad about it!我对这件事情非常火大!2. I was so shocked when he flared up in front of everyone.他在大家面前大发雷霆的时候,我真是吓坏了。3. She's really furious about it.她对那件事真是火冒三丈。4. I've never seen you so riled up.我从来没看你这么愤怒过。5. His words roused a great rage inside her.他的话引起了她心中极大的愤怒。6. His face was red with anger. 他的脸都气红了。



1、听说儿子又在外面闯了祸,他气得火冒三丈。 2、你太爱发脾气,动不动火冒三丈,这样怎么能搞好同志关系,干好社会工作? 3、你动不动就火冒三丈,别人是不会跟你合作的! 4、听到这句话,他不禁火冒三丈,恨恨地骂了一句。 5、你太爱发脾气,动辄火冒三丈,这样怎么能搞好同志关系,干好社会工作。 6、爸爸很生气。爸爸气得火冒三丈。 7、哥哥犯了错误,妈妈很生气,经弟弟添油加醋一形容,妈妈更是火冒三丈。 8、妈妈看到我头发染成这种颜色会火冒三丈的。 9、上个星期我劝她进行节食的时候,她却火冒三丈。 10、波蒙娜一下跳了起来,火冒三丈,命令他离开果园。


她那些批评任谁都得火冒三丈。 Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. 我一听到那个人的名字心里便火冒三丈。 I see red whenever I hear that man's name. 父亲回家看到这时,我想他将火冒三丈的。 When father came home and saw it I thought he was going to blow his top. 当她看到自己的汽车被损时,她立火冒三丈。 When she saw the damage to her car she went right up in the air. 在店里寻求帮助,店员若视而不见,会让我们火冒三丈; If we're in a store looking for help, it's irritating to be ignored by the clerks. 此事让他的老板火冒三丈,却为奥斯瓦尔德赢得了好名声。 His boss was extremly angry for this thing, but Aoersen has got a good name. 火冒三丈的弗兰克大叫一声,这是一个伤至深处的男人的怒吼。 Frank, white-hot, with the cry of a man wounded to death bursting from him. 史密斯先生火冒三丈,冲着那个司机喊起来,然后开始踢那个人的汽车。 smith saw red, jumped out, shouted at the other driver and started kicking the man's car. 他火冒三丈,“为什么你不说清怎么回事?要签同意书就说明一定有风险!” "Why didn't you say what was involved?Having to sign a consent form means there must be risks! "he fumed. 你很可能会与权威人物发生争执,或者火冒三丈地与那些苛求你的人发生冲突。 Fighting with authority figures or lashing out at others who restrict you in any way is a strong possibility. 也难怪李安会对于媒体只关注裸露(色)与恋物性行为(戒)而感到火冒三丈。 No wonder Ann Lee was quite pissed off when media only concentrated on nudity (Lust) and kinky fetish (Caution). 到了十分钟,我简直是火冒三丈。我把电话听筒甩下去,还把所有的文件都给撕了。 By ten minutes, I was so mad that I slammed the telephone and tore up all the papers. 这句话的意思是:“当我们学生听到学校要提高百分之十的学费时,我们都火冒三丈。 all us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent. 但是电话还是继续响,于是婆婆火冒三丈,大声对著放在那儿的电话怒吼:“你聋了? " but the phone still continues noisy, then mother-in-law fly into a rage, howl to the telephone call that puts over aloud: "Are you deaf? 昨天,当她的老板听说她又没能在限期前写完一个报告,他火冒三丈,当时就解雇了她。 Yesterday, when she again missed the deadline for a report, he hit the ceiling and fired her on the spot. 布朗先生火冒三丈地冲出门来,但所有的孩子都已经逃之夭夭,只剩下丹尼一个人背黑锅。 Mr Brown ran out of the house boiling mad. All the kids except Danny ran off and left him holding the bag. 唐一听“毙了你”三字,顿时火冒三丈,撩开衣服,拍着胸膛,走到那人面前说:“小子! Tang a "death to your "The words, immediately Huomaosanzhang, Liaokai clothes, Paizhaoxiongtang, come to that person before, said:" Small! 肥皂剧迷们是出了名的忠诚,但当感觉被电视网耍了的时候,再忠诚的剧迷也会火冒三丈。 Soap fans are notoriously loyal, but even loyal fans are enraged when they feel that they are being talked down to by networks. 当老实人报最初表示他们今年将减少五百万美元的劳动力成本时,整个办公室“火冒三丈”。 When the Plain Dealer first said this year it needed to reduce its labour costs by $5m, the newsroom was furious. 这事当然惹得阿波罗火冒三丈,他邀请玛息阿和他进行比赛,规定胜者可以用任何方式惩罚输者。 This, of course, provoked the anger of Apollo, who invited him to a contest, the winner of which should inflict whatever punishment he pleased on the loser. 我和这些书一同成长,六岁开始读,如果有人给我把最后一次冒险故事搞糟了,我肯定会火冒三丈。 I've grown up with these books, starting to read them at the age of six and would be absolutely fuming if someone spoilt this last adventure for me. 为什么你也会有这么愚蠢的想法?那样太残忍了!如果我看到我们的小孩在课堂上罚站,我会火冒三丈。 Why do you also have the stupid idea? That's brutal! It makes my blood boil to see our daughter standing in class for a long time. 有一年我过生日,她做了床边早餐给我。但是没有培根,没有香肠,甚至连鸡蛋都没有。这让我火冒三丈。 For my birthday, one year, she made me breakfast in bed. But there was no bacon, no sausage, not even any eggs. It just turned into another bad situation. 马克: 当然,我知道理论上你是对的,但我就是没法忘记这件事,甚至只听到他的名字就让我火冒三丈。 Mark: Of course, logically I know you are right, but somehow I just can't bring myself to forget it. Even the mention of his name starts me fuming. 从女人那里,他最需要的是爱,是认可,是接纳。女人的告诫和批评,不仅让男人沮丧和懊恼,甚至火冒三丈! These are the times when he needs her loving acceptance the most and not her advice or criticism. 就是啊,美国队啊个个是气得火冒三丈的。美国教练通常比较低调,这一次啊他也忍不住跟裁判争执,表示强烈的不满。 So, the players are mad, and the U. S. soccer coach is making a big stink by arguing with the referee. 如果办公室里有人哪怕只是说了句“你这可怜的人儿”这样轻描淡写的话,我都几乎要火冒三丈,因为我觉得他们是在试图让我难堪。 I nearly have a fit if anyone in the office says something as mild as "poor you" because I feel they are trying to get one over on me. 这老家伙气得火冒三丈,从桌旁跳起来,掏出一把水手用的大折刀,打开来搁在手掌上,左右掂量着,威胁说要用这把刀将大夫钉在墙上。 The old fellow's fury was awful. He sprang to his feet, drew and opened a sailor's clasp-knife, and, balancing it open on the palm of his hand, threatened to pin the doctor to the wall. 天色晚了,我们停下车走进枫林里做爱,完事之后,身下被秋风扫落的叶子都被MM的血染红了,比二月的花还红……老师(火冒三丈):停! It was too late, we stopped into the car Fenglin, sex, done after the body was Saola autumn leaves are red blood of MM, also spent more than February's Red teacher … (furious): stop ! 奥巴马在谈及盖茨被捕时表示,任何人遭遇此事都会“火冒三丈”,还说当有证据显示别人是在自己家里时,警察还要将其逮捕,这行为相当愚蠢。 Referring to Gates' arrest, Mr. Obama said anyone of us would have been "pretty angry" and he added police acted stupidly in arresting someone when there was proof they were in their own home.




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